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檔號 著錄層級 標題 著錄內容 涵蓋日期
MO/AM/CRS/12/0001 組合文件 "The Delta Group Experiment in Liege, Belgium" 閱覽 1973/08/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0002 組合文件 "Drugs in some french dailies and periodicals" 閱覽 1973/08/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0003 組合文件 "The french underground press and drugs" 閱覽 1973/08/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0004 組合文件 "Drugs and the press - a short analysis of the American press coverage, 1967-1973" 閱覽 1973/08/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0005 組合文件 Report submitted to the Seminar on Youth and the Use of Drugs in industrialized Countries 閱覽 1974/05/03
MO/AM/CRS/12/0006 組合文件 "A comparative study of various experiments and methods applied in Sweden for the prevention of drug abuse through education" 閱覽 1975/06/20
MO/AM/CRS/12/0007 組合文件 Report submitted to the regional meeting on drug education in Latin America and the Caribbean 閱覽 1976/06/18
MO/AM/CRS/12/0008 組合文件 "Drugs as seen by the youth press" 閱覽 1976/07/13
MO/AM/CRS/12/0009 組合文件 "Problems and rewards of evaluation of european drug education" 閱覽 1976/07/29
MO/AM/CRS/12/0010 組合文件 "Avenues for former drug users after treatment"- Four studies commissioned by UNESCO with UNFDAC financial assistance 閱覽 1976/10/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0011 組合文件 "Drug use in Jamaica" 閱覽 1976/10/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0012 組合文件 "Demand for drugs and prevention through education" 閱覽 [1977]
MO/AM/CRS/12/0013 組合文件 "Meeting on education concerning problems connected with the use of drugs in six african countries" 閱覽 1977/01/31
MO/AM/CRS/12/0014 組合文件 "Care of drug addicts and former drug addicts by urban and rural communities" 閱覽 1977/07/29
MO/AM/CRS/12/0015 組合文件 "Study on drug problems and drug education in african schools from the point of view of teachers and the teaching profession" 閱覽 1977/09/--
MO/AM/CRS/12/0016 組合文件 "Meeting on education concerning the problems associated with the use of drugs in ten countries of Asia" 閱覽 1977/11/21
MO/AM/CRS/12/0017 組合文件 紀實攝影資料 閱覽 [1977]
MO/AM/CRS/12/0018 組合文件 新聞剪報 閱覽 1980/05/19 - 1989/09/22
MO/AM/CRS/12/0019 組合文件 Ofícios recebidos da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros 閱覽 1983/02/28 - 1983/08/12
MO/AM/CRS/12/0020 組合文件 社會復原所喬遷新聞剪報 閱覽 1984/02/14 - 1984/02/15
MO/AM/CRS/12/0021 組合文件 Ofícios da Presidência do Conselho de Ministros 閱覽 1983/08/12 - 1984/08/13
MO/AM/CRS/12/0022 組合文件 禮賓排名列表 閱覽 1985/05/14 - 1987/10/17
MO/AM/CRS/12/0023 組合文件 "Information Letter" of United Nations 閱覽 1982/06/-- - 1998/06/--