1872, City Code published by the Municipal Council

Reference code(s) : LR.0964

This little pamphlet published by the Leal Senado in 1872 gathered together a wide range of rules concerning respect for public spaces.

In view of the relevant laws, etc;
The following has been agreed:
Rules relating to the protection of trees, cobbled streets and other items in public thoroughfares.
Rules relating to the protection of trees.
Article 1. It is forbidden to hang or tie anything to trees on public land, or to climb them, even if it does not cause immediate damage, which is regulated in the following article; fine of $1.
Article 2. It is also forbidden to knock down or throw stones, sticks or other similar items at the same trees, to break any twig or shoot or spoil them in any other way; fine of $2.
Article 3. The preceding fine will be multiplied by five if anyone should cut or uproot any of these trees unless they have a license issued by the council; or if someone has a license but fails to comply with all or part of the conditions for which it was issued.
Rules relating to the protection of cobbled streets.
Article 4. A $1 fine will be levied for:
  1. Digging, making holes or sticking anything into the ground in a public thoroughfare, dismantling any part of a cobbled street without permission or a license from the council;
  2. Dropping anything with force onto the ground in such a way that the cobbles are damaged;
  3. Dragging or rolling any objects along the ground, unless they are being loaded or unloaded next to a doorway.
Article 5. Any person who digs up the ground in a public thoroughfare for the purpose of construction or to clean drains or for another purpose must leave the ground level afterwards, or pay a $1 fine and the costs of the leveling off.