Archives being the authentic record of human activity are essential and integral to the cultural heritage of human being. The Archives of Macao is committed to the protection and preservation of Macao's documentary heritage.
It has sought at all times to collect records related to the history and culture of Macao to ensure their proper preservation and availability for public use. The Archives appreciates every record donation as a valuable contribution to the preservation of Macao’s collective memory.
To donors
- The donor must have full right and title of ownership of the record(s) that he (she) intends to donate and he (she) should sign a document to prove the ownership;
- Donated record(s) must be legal. The Archives of Macao has the right to request for necessary document of proof;
- With reference to the Archives’ collecting policy and other objective factors, The Archives of Macao reserves the right to decide whether a donated record is appropriate for the Archives’ collection;
- Unaccepted record(s) will be returned to the donor, while record(s) added to the Archives’ collection will not. The Archives of Macao has full right over records in its collection, including the right of ownership, right of use, copyright and lending right, etc.;
- Donated record(s) that becomes part of the Archives’ collection will be properly preserved;
- The Archives of Macao reserves the right of interpretation of the “Rules of Donation”
For donation
- Please contact The Archives of Macao at (853)2859 2919;
- Complete the “Donation Form” and return it to the Archives by hand or by fax at (853) 2856 1495 or by e-mail to