The Historical Archives of Macao will hold another of its popular binding workshops on Saturday 13th of March from 2pm to 5pm. This time the focus will be on making an attractive pocket book consisting of a single large sheet of folded paper enclosed between two covers. The book can either be expanded outward or kept flat.
The Historical Archives of Macao will hold another of its popular binding workshops on Saturday 6th of February from 2pm to 5pm. This time the focus will be on making an attractive pocket book consisting of a single large sheet of folded paper enclosed between two covers. The book can either be expanded outward or kept flat.
The Macao Historical Archives will organize a lecture in the Cultural Affairs Bureau Auditorium (Edifício do Instituto Cultural, Tap Seac Square, Macao) at 6:30pm on Friday, 5 February 2010. Mr. Danny Chin of The Genealogical Society of Utah, will give a lecture on “Genealogy in China”.
The Binding Workshop organized by Historical Archives at the beginning of this month received very positive support from the public. Considering the enthusiastic response, the Historical Archives will hold another Binding Workshop on Saturday 23rd of January from 14.00 to 17.00. Participants can learn more about binding, one of the techniques used to protect Macao’s precious documentary heritage, as well as gain a deeper understanding of how handmade books are sewn together. Conservation professionals will introduce and demonstrate this traditional technique and support participants as they make their own hardcover notebook.
The Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao S.A.R. Government will organize an Academic Research Lecture in the Cultural Affairs Bureau Auditorium (Edifício do Instituto Cultural, Tap Seac Square, Macao) at 6:30pm on Friday 22 January. Kara Chan, Professor at the School of Communication, Hong Kong Baptist University, will give a lecture on “Growing up in Macao: A Study of Materialistic Values among Children and Adolescents”.
Jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region (IC, from the Portuguese acronym), the City Hall of Guimarães and the Vila Flor Cultural Centre of Guimarães, the opening ceremony of “Where the World Heritage Shines – Photography Exhibition of the Historic Centre of Macao” and a talk on the Historic Centre of Macao and Guimarães were held successfully at the Vila Flor Palace in Guimarães, Portugal, on 23 June 2017.
“Where the World Heritage Shines – Photography Exhibition of the Historic Centre of Macao”, jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region, the Municipality of Guimarães and the Vila Flor Cultural Centre, will be inaugurated on Friday, 23 June 2017, at 6:30pm, at the Vila Flor Palace in Guimarães, Portugal.
The General Council of Archives of the Macao Special Administrative Region (MSAR) held its first meeting in 2017 in the Auditorium of the Cultural Affairs Bureau at Tap Siac Square on 9 June, to discuss the creation of a unit and allocation of human resources for records management in public departments. Mr Leung Hio Ming, President of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, was the acting chairperson of the meeting.
“Where the World Heritage Shines – Photography Exhibition of the Historic Centre of Macao”, jointly organized by the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region Government and the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal was successfully inaugurated on 8 March 2017 at the Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon.
A cooperation protocol signed between the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Macao Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal in 2015 marked the establishment of a significant platform for Luso-Chinese cultural exchange.