
The exhibition “Shanghai Portuguese Refugees in Macao (1937-1964)”, organized by the Macao Archives under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau, will be held in the Alfredo Pimenta Municipal Archives of the Municipality of Guimarães, in Portugal. The exhibition’s opening ceremony will be held on Friday, 3 March 2017, at 6pm (local time). On the same day, the documentary book “Refugiados de Xangai. Macau (1937-1964)” edited by Portuguese historian Professor Alfredo Gomes Dias will also be launched.
The publication “Thirty-three years in Radio - Interview with the broadcaster Leong Song Fong” included in the “Macao Oral History” book series, and the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Thirty-three years in Radio - the broadcaster Leong Song Fong”, organised by the Macao Archives (AM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, originally scheduled for Saturday, 26 November, at the Jao Tsung-I Academy, at 3pm, will be postponed to 4:30pm on the same day. In conjunction with the publication, two lectures, entitled “The broadcasting career of Leong Song Fong” and “The voice of a generation”, will be held on Sunday, 27 November, from 3pm to 5pm, in the lobby of the Cultural Affairs Bureau building at Tap Siac Square. The above-mentioned activities will be conducted in Cantonese and are open to the public.
The Macao Archives (MAM), under the auspices of the Cultural Affairs Bureau, launches the publication “Thirty-three years in Radio - Interview with the broadcaster Leong Song Fong” included in the “Macao Oral History” book series and holds the opening ceremony of the exhibition “Thirty-three years in Radio - the broadcaster Leong Song Fong” on Saturday, 26 November, at Jao Tsung-I Academy, at 3pm. In conjunction with the publication, two related lectures, entitled “The broadcasting career of Leong Song Fong” and “The voice of a generation”, will be held on Sunday, 27 November, from 3pm to 5pm in the lobby of the Cultural Affairs Bureau building at Tap Siac Square. The above-mentioned activities will be conducted in Cantonese and are open to the public.
A ceremony marking the opening of exhibition “Shanghai Portuguese Refugees in Macao (1937-1964)” presented by the Macao Archives under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau as well as the launching of publication “Diáspora Macaense – Territórios, Itinerários e Processos de Integração (1936-1995)” edited by Alfredo Gomes Dias was successfully held in the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon on 11 October 2016.
A cooperation protocol signed between the Cultural Affairs Bureau of the Macao Special Administrative Region and the Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre of the Ministry of Education and Science of Portugal last year marked the establishment of a significant platform for Chinese and Portuguese cultural exchange. The exhibition “Shanghai Portuguese Refugees in Macao (1937-1964)”, organized by the Macao Archives under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau, will be continued in Portugal, at Macau Scientific and Cultural Centre in Lisbon and then at Alfredo Pimenta Municipal Archives of the Municipality of Guimarães. The exhibition’s opening ceremony will be held in Lisbon on 11 October 2016, at 6pm (local time).
In conjunction with the exhibition "Memories of Moments - Macao and Lusophone African and Asian Regions in Photograph Postcards", the Archives of Macao organized a seminar entitled "Photograph Postcard - Corroboration of the History: Macao and Lusofone African and Asian Regions after Photography Came into Popularization" delivered by senior researcher Mr Luís Sá Cunha on 15 June 2016. The seminar was started with a look back at the invention of steam engine, then lithography, camera and postcard - the inventions which has provided a new means to preserve the past and has enabled communication across time and space.
The Archives of Macao under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau presented an exhibition “Memories of Moments - Macao and Lusophone African and Asian Regions in Photograph Postcards” to celebrate China Cultural Heritage Day and International Archives Day. The exhibition was inaugurated at 6:30pm on 8 June at the Archives of Macao on Tap Siac Square, and will run from 10 June to 4 December 2016.
The Archives of Macao under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau will present an exhibition “Memories of Moments - Macao and Lusophone African and Asian Regions in Photograph Postcards” to celebrate China Cultural Heritage Day and International Archives Day.
The 7th General Meeting of the UNESCO Memory of the World Committee for Asia and the Pacific (MOWCAP) was held in Hue, Vietnam. Jointly nominated by the Archives of Macao and the National Archive of Torre do Tombo of Portugal, the collection of “Chapas Sínicas” (Official Records of Macao During the Qing Dynasty (1693-1886)) was recommended by the MOWCAP Register Subcommittee formed by experts and approved with unanimous vote by the participating member countries to be listed on the MOWCAP register.
A ceremony to mark the publication of “Macau e os Territórios Lusófonos – Colecção Iconográfica Única de Postais Fotográficos” (Collection of Photograph Postcards of Macao and Lusophone Territories) published by the Archives of Macao under the auspices of Cultural Affairs Bureau and edited by João Manuel Loureiro was held in the Archives at 18:30 on Friday, 22nd April 2016.